Slice of Life Post March 22, 2023 by Barb Edler

I remember my mother reading to me when I was quite young. She read books about Grabbit the Rabbit who was a greedy little pig. Grabbit the Rabbit taught me that it was not good to be greedy. She read a sweet story about a candy cane and a chocolate turkey who conversed with each other in a candy store window. This story always made me cry because I felt sorry for the boastful turkey who believed he would be purchased before the candy cane but in the end, he was sadly left behind. Although I cried for that chocolate turkey, I learned not to be boastful. Perhaps it was my mother’s lessons and reading books aloud that taught me some vital life lessons and inspired my love for language.

When I taught high school language arts, I loved teaching vocabulary especially when I learned a few excellent strategies. Fortunately, I was blessed by Sue Beers’ guidance, who is a reading specialist/consultant. Sue’s courses were always engaging, and she had a wonderful way of introducing key concepts through humorous videos. The following are a few tips she shared about teaching vocabulary:

  1. only teach five to seven words per week
  2. students need to have multiple encounters with new vocabulary
  3. frontload vocabulary prior to reading
  4. use graphics to help teach vocabulary (consider Cartoon Comics and the Frayer Model)
  5. have students say words aloud

Another PD I enjoyed was from Marcia Tate whose energetic workshop included the importance of movement when learning a new skill. After that PD, I began having students pass a ball to each other, saying out loud the new vocabulary word. The student who caught the ball would define the word. Students would throw the ball numerous times so words and their definitions are consistently repeated. This was not always easy to do in the classroom, but it was possible. When the weather was nice, it was a great excuse to go outside.

Currently, I learn new vocabulary by playing the New York Times Spelling Bee game. My good friend, Martha, is also a big fan of the Spelling Bee. She keeps a word notebook as she plays the game.

These are not new words she is learning, but it is her thinking about what is present in the Spelling Bee game. I think her notebook shows what a true language lover will do to play with words, etc.

Yesterday, I played Scrabble with her. Martha is a scrabble shark. I had a healthy lead, but of course, she passed my score because she got over 50 points on a seven-letter word. Amazingly, I still won, but barely. Honestly, I got lucky by drawing a lot better tile, but it’s great to be a winner.

A photo of our scrabble game.

I wanted to take a photograph of the Scrabble game because I learned the word enviro. Glenda Funk is an enviro!

How do you have fun with words? And oh, btw, I’m a Queen Bee today!

Barb Edler Avatar

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8 responses to “Language Lover and a Few Vocabulary Lessons”

  1. Glenda Funk Avatar

    I love these games and peaks into pedagogy. Iā€™m a big fan of performance and movement activities. Your Scrabble ventures bring back memories of playing w/ my youngest son. It gets competitive. BTW: I have a long way to go before Iā€™m an enviro.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Barb Edler Avatar

      I think we will have to agree to disagree. Your passion for the environment is inspiring!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. mschiubookawrites Avatar

    Wahoo Queen Bee! Iā€™m chasing that dream daily and really relate to this topic of loving words. Love the different ways you play with words/

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Maureen Young Ingram Avatar

    I am fascinated by your friend’s notebook for spelling bee! I enjoy this game and often play with the letter combinations in my journal; I love the idea of ‘building my vocabulary’ with a single notebook. Yes, I love words, too! Great ideas, Barb!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Denise Krebs Avatar
    Denise Krebs

    Hey, Queen Bee Barb, nice! I played Scrabble recently with my family. I also do Wordle daily. And I write poems. šŸ™‚ Word play! I learned a lot about have fun with vocabulary words from Isabel Beck too.

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  5. kimhaynesjohnson Avatar

    Barb, I recently passed my Lazy Susan Scrabble board that rotates on to my son – – my kids and I have played on that board for years when we have all gotten together. Now that his fifth child is due in June, I wanted him to have the board to start them early playing Scrabble just like we did as he was growing up. Your post shows the joy of word games today, and what a thrill it is to see that it is contagious!

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  6. cmargocs Avatar

    You make me wish I was back in the classroom, teaching new vocabulary. Luckily, I get to peddle the books that also lead to (hopefully) the same results. I have a vocabulary notebook of my own somewhere around…need to find it before next year’s SOLSC, it would be good to use! Thanks for the reminder…


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