By Barb Edler

“I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel all alone.” Robin Williams.

Moon over the Mississippi River. Photo by Barb Edler.

I’ve been known to be a bit sensitive. It’s most likely the truth although I know how to don a thick skin. Be that as it may, I must say some comments are just plain rude. Once one of my neighbors said, “At least you have one good looking son.” What? Who says sh#! like that! Well, I guess my neighbor does who was completely off base since my sons all have fine features, and that is exactly how I responded to her offending remark.

Honestly, I often find myself feeling appalled by comments that seem to be quite insensitive and totally off the mark. My internal voice begins to shout, “Really? Did they even listen or read what I said?” I find those moments the most difficult to process and when I feel really alone.

Although I may be hurt, I know how to take one on the chin. I also know when someone is showing their true colors. Once in a while, I have to remind myself that sometimes a person just has to pivot which can be difficult for me because I tend to be fairly straightforward with my approach to life.

Fortunately, I find value in writing about life experiences and observations. Attempting to encapsulate an emotion can help me overcome my downcast moods and feelings of betrayal so today I’ll close this sad little post with a sijo that expresses what I’d like to accomplish during my darkest days.

Paradise Flight

carry me, yellow finch wings,
into gold skies, along mountain
icy streams, butterfly fields,
scorching deserts—then drop me quick
into a hellish fiery pit
to rise anew like Phoenix
Barb Edler Avatar

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12 responses to “When My Dark Side Rises”

  1. Glenda Funk Avatar


    I think of you as a close friend, someone I can reach out to when I need to vent or get perspective on my poetry, so if I ever say something that hurts you, I want to know. I need to know. You and I share that sensitivity others don’t always understand. Now to the sijo. It is amazing, Truly a fabulous poem. Read Kim’s post today and send her this poem. I have poem envy right now. You are so good w/ sijo writing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Barb Edler Avatar

      Thanks, Glenda. I think I revised my post from the time you read it.

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  2. wordancerblog Avatar

    I hear you, Barb, loud and clear. Thank you for writing about this. I know many people feel as you do. I know I do! Your poem is exquisite and regenerative. So powerful like you.

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  3. kimhaynesjohnson Avatar

    Barb, I have poem envy, too – – just as Glenda does. Some of the most beautiful poetry written comes from the deepest recesses of grief, despair, and darkness, and it’s one of those rare things when poets can express the feelings the way you do – – from finch wings to Phoenix here. May I use this? And I echo Glenda that if I ever offend, please call me out on it. I would lose sleep if I felt like I had hurt someone. That neighbor of yours was so unkind. It reminds me of the time I was on a television interview (small town local TV, not a major network) and we were talking about our town. I was seated with a longtime Mary Kay consultant who was so absolutely glamorous and another woman who was sort of like me – an inner soul hippie who was just happy as heck to roll out of bed and see sunshine. A caller phoned in and they asked who the question was for. ”The beautiful one, ” they said. I mean, we agreed, but sheesh. There was the truth. We were sitting next to a glamour queen and just happy our eyelashes were still attached and real. This moment came rushing back when I read about your unkind neighbor. People can be so rude – – which, really, says so much more about them than it does about us.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Barb Edler Avatar

      Yes to using the poem if you can use it.


  4. Forestwood Avatar

    Lovely words in your poem. They really inspired me this morning. As for your rude neighbour, it is surprising what comes out of people’s mouth. They don’t seem to think, or measure their words, just spontaneous observations that are hardly balanced. Social media is full of such rubbish. I manage those comments differently depending on my mood. Most of the time I shrug them off incredulous that someone can be so insensitive and then move on. I can’t waste energy on their shortcomings. Other times, it might offend me and takes a few days to process and let go. 

    Writing can be such a cathartic way of processing thoughts of all kinds.

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  5. Leigh Anne Eck Avatar
    Leigh Anne Eck

    That comment from your neighbor took a lot of gall! Wow! How did you not slug her?!? But what beauty you pulled from that moment with your poem. Wow–that turn!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Maureen Young Ingram Avatar

    You have written an absolutely brilliant sijo poem, exquisite words. I know the feeling of darkness descending when someone says something unkind. It sticks in my bones. You have written beautifully and fiercely about this.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Fran Haley Avatar

    Barb… thank you for your vulnerability here. In it lies such incredible courage. I don’t understand why people have to be so insensitive. I will, like the Grinch, puzzle until my puzzler is sore. That neighbor – I cannot! Truth is – we all have a dark side that rises with certain triggers. I know I do. I also know that writing makes a way through the darkness and pain, as you say; it brings release, healing, peace, overcoming. That is my experience – oh, yes, so valuable. This poem, this sijo – it is stunning! Finch wings – ! You write to my soul, which drops in the pit and rises with you. The darkness can’t hold the Phoenix down…I believe she has poet-fire in her veins, and that’s why she rises, anew. I am so very glad you write.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Barb Edler Avatar

      Thank you, Fran, for your generous words and support.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Denise Krebs Avatar
    Denise Krebs

    Oh, Barb, I have comment envy and I just want to say an amen to what Fran wrote here so beautifully. Thank you for your honest sharing here, and for that good as gold sijo. The beautiful golden images in the beginning and then into the fiery pit, which is necessary to fly out like a Phoenix. So powerful!

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