SOL Post 18 March 2024

Heidi Allum’s post from March 16 inspired me to write today about strange occurrences I’ve had. Heidi’s delightfully fun read can be found here.

When I was probably around five years old, I clearly remember having a strange premonition. I became agitated and was warning my family that something bad was going to happen as we were heading home after visiting my grandfather at his farm. It was dark outside, and everyone could see how upset I was while asking me, “What is it? What is it?” I responded with, “I’m not sure, maybe a witch.” Well, of course, that response led to a car full of laughter and dismissiveness. However, not long after, my dad was stopped by a row of cornstalks that created a fence across the gravel road, forcing our car to stop. As my dad slowed down, some hiding hooligans began pelting our vehicle with corncobs. My dad exploded, leapt from the vehicle and began cussing out the pranksters. When he returned, he said he thought one of the miscreants was his nephew and he debated about telling his brother about the event. I don’t think he ever did and just laughed it off which he never would have done except that a family member was involved.

Although this event is not exactly spooky, I have had other premonitions or a sudden understanding that all was not right in the world. One day as I was sitting on the couch watching a show with my sons, I knew my grandmother had passed. I said aloud, “Oh, grandma has passed.” My son said, “Well, they would have called you if that was true.” I said, “No, not yet, but they will, probably around 5.” And they call with the sad news just as I had predicted.

Years ago, I experienced an extremely fortunate but unearthly event. When I was in my third trimester and expecting my first son to be born within a month or two, I was heading to work, driving down a two-lane paved road at a pretty good speed when I realized too late that the truck in front of me was moving extremely slow. What I did not realize was that there was black ice covering a patch of the highway. When I started to slide, I was sure I was going to rearend the truck. I honked, trying to warn the driver ahead that we were about to collide when the car suddenly veered to the left and around the truck. Talk about Jesus take the wheel. I truly believe I experienced a miracle that day. My half-sister had a similar encounter when she almost fell into a huge mirror that she was sure would cause her much harm, but she felt some unseen presence lift her, saving her from a most gruesome accident.

My youngest sister believes her house is haunted and my brother swears he had a friendly ghost that lived with him in two different locations. He and his roommates would come home to hear music playing loudly and other such things everyone swore they were never responsible for. When my brother moved to Illinois, crossing the Mississippi River to do so, he said that was the end of his trickster ghost he fondly named Charlie. Sometimes I feel a presence in my own home. When the door suddenly opens, I just say, “Well, hello, Alex.” Alex passed in 2018.

I can recall several strange premonitions and sightings, but I’ll save those for another day when I can think of a way to show rather than tell about these eerie encounters. In the meantime, here’s to the last day of winter and the spring ahead!

     menacing skies
whisper, beware--
winter's last laugh

Barb Edler
18 March 2024

Barb Edler Avatar

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4 responses to “Strange Encounters”

  1. Glenda Funk Avatar


    I’m thinking of “truth is stranger than fiction.” As a kid I often had a feeling of an eerie presence in our house, and I grew up w/ stories of the Spook Light down around Seneca, Missouri. Is this all a midwestern phenomena? Whatever it is, I’m glad Jesus or a spirit took the wheel for you that day.

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  2. Maureen Young Ingram Avatar

    Oooh, your premonitions and sightings gave me a chill. I do believe in these strange, energetic connections with ‘more’, ‘other’. What a beautiful reaction to feeling a presence in your own home, “Hello, Alex.” Brings tears to my eyes. Your premonition as a young child was fascinating, and probably became the stuff of family legend when “hiding hooligans began pelting our vehicle with corncobs” – how I love your phrasing here!

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  3. kimhaynesjohnson Avatar

    Barb, I am a firm believer in these encounters. I can’t believe in angels without believing in ghosts. I do believe they visit us. I love that you call the visitor by name and greet him. I can’t wait to hear more of your stories as you share about the other encounters you have had.

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  4. Forestwood Avatar

    Not everything has an explanation and I do think there is something to intuition. Listen to it, but don’t actively search for it. It will happen when it needs to.

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