Slice of Life Post March 23, 2024

Photo by Leo_Visions on Unsplash

I’m just drifting off when Joker, our 3-legged dog, starts to bark. He only barks when someone is coming up the lane to our farmhouse. I figure it’s my husband finally coming home from the bar, but the dog keeps barking. I grudgingly get up, go to the window to look outside. Something is at the end of the lane: two brightly beaming lights. I keep watching them, wondering what in the world is going on when to my heart-shattering surprise, the two lights suddenly elevate straight up into the air. WTF!

I turn away, rush to the rotary phone on the wall, dial Joe’s Place and ask for my husband. When he answers, I gasp, “Please come home, there’s a UFO at the end of the lane.” 

“She says there’s a UFO at the end of the lane,” he hollers. I can hear uproarious laughter and, “Man, she must really want you to come home.”

I hang up, rush back to the window. I keep thinking these are definitely aliens and that they are going to beam my baby boy from his crib. I’m absolutely terrified. The lights continue to hover about fifty feet in the air when the lights suddenly blink out. It’s over. I’m alive and my son is still sleeping in his crib. I go back to bed, feeling dazed by the experience.

I think of this strange encounter often and wonder when they’ll be back.

Barb Edler Avatar

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10 responses to “Strange Encounter”

  1. kimhaynesjohnson Avatar

    Barb, I believe too. There is no way that in this entire universe where the sun is our closest star and is the center of our system that there is not other life out there. As many life forms as we have in our forests, our lakes, heck – – growing in our refrigerators and pantries – – there has to be other life out there. I think it pulled up in your driveway and Joker told them to get going and leave his family alone. You gotta credit a 3-legged dog for running off visitors from another planet. He wasn’t laying down on the job, and dogs just know things. I have a daughter who lives near the hub of extraterrestrial activity out in Nevada, and she is always describing the strange lights and the low flying “planes.” Also, I learned that they have air space rules out there when she called to tell me she and her boyfriend had violated the law with a kite flying so high they had to be asked to bring it in because of these planes. I just hope these beings are friendly when they start showing up and coming for dinner. I would welcome the opportunity to see how they live, and where, I just want to be the visited and not the visitor. Awesome slice today! 

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Barb Edler Avatar

      I always hope that when they come, they’ll want to consume our garbage! Thanks for recognizing Joker as a true hero!


  2. Glenda Funk Avatar


    This is a creepy story, one I see as an archetype that visits young mothers alone w/ a baby and fearful for the baby’s safety. I think I’ll be haunted by this story and already find myself thinking of creepy encounters in my past. You told this so well. I wasn’t sure of the timeframe until late in the story. Love the poem, too, and the way you have lines distanced and separated from one another.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. carolannclark Avatar

    I have been interested in this topic for my entire life. I love that you wrote about this and I could feel the emotion, especially when the people at the other end of the phone laughed. I believe your story and I also believe/ know that people make contact with us after they have died, but I am married to someone who does not believe, especially in the dead people making contact. I wonder if not believing is fear based?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Barb Edler Avatar

      That’s a fantastic question!


  4. Maureen Young Ingram Avatar

    Those two lines, “shatter my illusion/that I’m alone” – I felt a chill on my neck as I read them. I do think it is limited thinking on our part to imagine we are the only ones here; there are other presences, I believe, too. I think there are periods of our lives when we are more open to this belief, when we can ‘feel’ or be attuned to the presence of something other than human, or spirits of humans who have passed…young children ‘get it’ (my granddaughter, then age 2, asked me – ‘who’s the guy in here with us, Nana? he seems nice’ when I thought we were alone, just us two)…we have this again as new moms, when we are sick, when we are dying; maybe vulnerability gives us the empathy needed to feel and see more? Wild story, Barb. Write more about this! Feels like the start of a mystery book…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Barb Edler Avatar

      Thanks, Maureen. I could see extending this into something more although this is entirely true.


  5. Anita Ferreri Avatar
    Anita Ferreri

    This is a creepy post that had me at the edge of my seat. While I have not experienced this kind of a phenomenon, I have had some weird and unexplained encounters, including a shooting star that somehow slowed down to accompany me home on a snowy, icy night. It remains a mystery as do so many events in our lives.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Barb Edler Avatar

      Wow that does seem super weird!


  6. Denise Krebs Avatar
    Denise Krebs

    Barb, you are such a clever storyteller. I love the nuances of your work. The matter-of-fact telling with the playful details added. The poem of the aliens who “brightly beam hello” make me feel that you would want them to come back. I enjoyed your post a lot.

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